I have heard that statement for the last 17-years in my private coaching practice.
Often people feel ashamed and vulnerable over inner wounds, but I am here to tell you – you are not alone.
I share my stories to show how powerful God is when we listen within.
Healing emotional pain and chronic anxiety and PTSD can be terrifying…it certainly was for me…
I know experiencing mental fatigue or health issues can leave a person hopeless?
Sitting in my first meditation class over 26 years ago was scary. I had no idea that the first step would lead me down the road less traveled. Investing in myself was everything. Healing and loving me was priceless. Allowing God to lead was vulnerable.
Here are a few healing tools I use in workshops and retreat training.
When I felt like I was going to lose my mind, I made a conscious decision to go within and face my fears. The pain stopped me in my tracks, and I went from World Record Holder to not being able to walk much for three years. I found healing in writing my book Victim to Victory. I left western medicine, searched for alternative methods, and found ancient sciences.
Take a deep breath and ask yourself